Ok so I see its been 9 months since I last posted...and I don't really have a good excuse. A LOT has happened in 9 months and I would love to post everything that happened, but my fear is that creating a dozen new posts all at once will scare everyone away. So I will simply post a few highlights over the last 9 months in an effort to get up-to-date without too much fuss.
2. HOLIDAYS! So the holidays came and went. Usually we drive to Wisconsin for Christmas to visit all of Andy's family but not this year. We had just bought a house and couldn't really afford the trip - also I was due with Sara ANY DAY! How horrible that would have been to go in labor somewhere along the plains of Iowa?? So we stayed in Vegas and spent a wonderful Christmas at the Downer's. Thanksgiving was wonderful as well and it was the last time I got to see Grandpa before he passed away. New Years was...uh...interesting. We went downtown with the kids to watch fireworks - got there BARELY in time to see them and just about froze our butts off too! Andy had to work so he wasn't even there with us. But we still had fun hanging out with the family, as usual.
3. BABIES! Then there were like 100 new babies born! No really, Diana had her baby in November, Stephanie had her baby in early December, I had Sara at the end of December, Daisy had her baby in February, and Ally had her baby in March (whew!). So much fun! First off, Mom threw me a SURPRISE baby shower! It was awesome! I was actually surprised - it doesn't happen very often! Tina called me one day and asked if I wanted to go to breakfast with her on Saturday. I said sure, and was kind of shocked - she and I haven't been out to breakfast together in a long time! Then Daisy called me and asked if I wanted to go baby-clothes shopping on Saturday. Weird! So I said I'd love to, but Tina and I were going to breakfast that morning so we'd have to go after. Maybe it was the other way around - Daisy may have called me first...I don't remember. Anyway, little did I know it was all a plot to get me to Daisy's house for the baby shower! Tina and I went to breakfast and after went to Daisy's to "pick her up" to go shopping. NOPE! When we first got there, Mom's car was there. So I was a little confused as to why Mom was at Daisy's...but whatever. Then Mike opens the door and Tina turns around to go back to her car...and Mom, Steph and Daisy are all in the kitchen making food. ??? I was really confused and my first thought was, "Why didn't anyone tell me we were having Daisy's baby shower today?" THEN I realized IT WAS FOR ME! So of course, being 9 months pregnant, I started bawling. I just couldn't believe it. I got so many wonderful things, it was so cool. I have such a great family! Then baby Sara was nice enough to wait until AFTER Christmas to come - December 28th to be exact! (Actually I was induced - a week before she was due. Man was I DONE being pregnant!)
Such a beautiful baby, I love her to death. I had a pretty rough pregnancy so by the time I was in full labor I wanted an epidural...my first one. Man was that great! The only down side - I STILL TO THIS DAY have a pain in my lower back where they put the needle in. Yikes. She was born at 10:44 am and weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 inches long. She also had (has) LOTS OF HAIR and long fingers and toes. I love her.
4. THE AVERY'S! My mom invited Nicki Avery to my baby shower - Nicki and her husband Matt adopted Nick, the baby I had about 7 1/2 years ago before I was married. I had corresponded with them a little every now and then since Nick was born. But we had never gotten together since the day I gave Nick to them. I had always hoped that I wouldn't have to wait 18 years before I saw them again. So when my mom decided to throw me the shower she invited Nicki. I had NO IDEA she was going to be there until she came through the door at Daisy's house. I was already emotional because I had just found out that my family was throwing me a baby shower and when I saw Nicki, I just burst out crying. It was WONDERFUL!!!
I was SO GLAD she was there. She even had little Matti there - although she wasn't so little anymore! She was only 4 or so the last time I had seen her. What a beautiful girl. Since then, Nicki and Matt invited us to their house for dinner to meet the rest of the family. Natalie and Tyler were so glad to make a new friend in Nick. They still ask about him all the time and want to go to his house to play. It was great to meet the rest of Matt and Nicki's family and I can't wait to spend more time with them.
5. A VISIT FROM THE IN LAWS!! Since we couldn't make it out to Wisconsin for Christmas, Andy's family came to visit us in Vegas for a week. It was his dad Steve, step mom Cindy, sister Lori and brother Austin. We had a great week while they were here. Luckily it was the same week Natalie was off for Spring Break. We went to the Hoover Dam, hung out on the Strip, visited Andy's work, and us girls had a WONDERFUL spa day at the Ritz! Thanks Cindy!!!!
6. NO JOB???? The Ritz Carlton, Lake Las Vegas closed it's doors on May 2, 2010. So, as of TOMORROW, Andy is out of a job. He has applied to a couple different places and is hoping SOMETHING will pan out. We are optimistic...for now. I always have the work I do, so its comforting to know that we will at least have SOMETHING in the event Andy doesn't get a job right away. But he is a great worker so I know something will come up. It just stinks because we JUST bought a new house and have a brand new baby...just about the WORST time to lose your job! But we'll make it!!
So that's just about it - a few highlights from the past 9 months. Now if I can just stay on top of things...
Helping with laundry...
Working on the yard
At the county Fair
Daddy and Sara time
Growing up
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